суббота, 11 августа 2012 г.

The principles and features of the concentration of banks in the U.S.

In contrast to other developed countries, the U.S. banking system are composed of many thousands of banks. Although the United States in the XX century. the total number of banks has decreased dramatically (they numbered 31,076 in 1931, and in August 1972 - 13 877), however superficially, it looks as though there is decentralized in the U.S. banking system.
 This creates the visibility and because the bank's branch network in the U.S. is limited to a narrow scope than in other countries. For a long time, U.S. banks had no right to open branches, and in the future (the laws of 1927 and 1933.), This right was granted to them, but with significant restrictions. Thus, banks could have branches only within this state, and in some states, banks generally are prohibited from opening branches. Although the number of bank branches in recent decades has increased dramatically (from 4168 in 1945 to 56,513 in 1995), however the number of bank branches throughout the country, only 1.5 times the total number of banks. However, the superficial scattered character of banking in the U.S. is hiding the dominance of a small group of giant banks.

U.S. investment banks - the basis of

In the middle of the XIX century. in the U.S. banking system emerged as a particular link in the investment bank specializing in the placement and sale of securities. In the future, before the crisis of 1929-1933., The boundaries between investment and commercial banks increasingly erased, as in the XX century. Commercial banks have also become actively involved in the issue and placement of securities themselves invested heavily in these securities.

U.S. commercial banks and savings institutions

Commercial banks on legal statute is divided into: a) national, and b) staff. The first function in accordance with federal laws and mandatory part of the Federal Reserve as the member banks, the latter operate in accordance with the laws of individual states and optionally includes or does not belong to the Fed.
 Of all commercial banks stood out some of the largest banks, whose resources are increasing faster than the amount of resources from other banks. In turn, the largest commercial banks stood out a handful of giant banks - "Bank of America," "First neyshnl City Bank of New York", "Chase Manhattan Bank", "Menyufekchurers Hanover Trust to °», «Morgan Guaranty Trust KV» . These banks are either led by the powerful financial-industrial groups, or playing a major role. They are, in fact, bank holding companies formed by the merger of large banks.

The structure and operation of U.S. Federal Reserve

The core of modern central banking system of the United States was the Federal Reserve System (FRS), which consists of: 1) of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, and 2) from a large number of member banks. According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 all the member banks of the Federal Reserve were to: a) to 6% of the equity as a share in the capital of the federal reserve banks, and b) to hold in their reserves in the last volume of 3% of the amount of time deposits and from 7 to 13% of demand deposits. Federal Reserve Banks are required to have a reserve of gold and legal tender in the amount of 35% of their deposits. Thus, the liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks are: 1) from the equity created at the expense of shares of member banks, and 2) of the banknote issue 3) of bank deposits, representing the reserves of banks - members of the Fed.

The concepts and the basis of the U.S. banking system

The current U.S. banking system was formed in 1980 under the impact of the Federal Reserve System, and adopted the Law on the deregulation of depository institutions and monetary control. Up to this point the United States remained the only one among the developed nations a country where there was no centralized organization. The banking structure consisted of a myriad of small independent banks, the scope of which was limited to a very small area, the number of banks in 1860 reached 3,000, in 1913 there were over 20,000, about 7,000 of them were emissionalnymi national banks, and the rest operated under the laws of their state and had no right to issue banknotes. Such freedom of banking was significantly different from its European interpretation.

Organization of international interbank interactions via SWIFT

Currently identified seven categories of posts, including more than 70 types. Model of communication is a numbered set of mandatory and optional gtoley. Required fields contain the information needed to properly handle the transaction. Additional information is placed in the option codes. When working around the clock 20% of transactions SWIFT performs without the intervention of operators. In case of bad information in SWIFT, which does not correspond to the categories established by the groups and types of messages can be used an expert system, which reports the identification, ~ ARTRANS (Telex Reader). * It extracts information from unstructured messages in natural language relating to transfers of funds between banks and customers, acting on a type of demons.

The concepts and the role of information Banking SWIFT system

Company global communications banking - Sosiety for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) was founded by a group of 250 banks in Europe and North America in 1973 with May 9, 1977, when the system started to work, and to date the number of monetary institutions using the service the organization has surpassed 3700 of 75 Member States and 92 States Parties. The number of transactions sent by these institutions is nearly 2 million daily and more than 400 million a year. The size of the transaction with one-way transfer is 325 b, and with two-way - 650 b. The high intensity of exchanges lowers their price so that it is lower than the cost of similar programs by telex and telegraph. The time of delivery of the message by SWIFT is about 20 minutes, but it can be reduced to 1-5 minutes for an additional fee, which covers the characteristics of the ordinary channels of communication. Thus, such a transmission by cable takes about 90 minutes.