The history of the formation and development of banking shows that the set of banking organizations can exist and existed in three forms.
The first form is represented by a number independent of each other lending institutions, each of which was entitled to perform any of the time taken in bank operations, including the issue of cash. In addition, no stable relationship between credit institutions and their interaction is specifically coordinated by nobody. Of course, they were guided by the laws applicable in the country, but has not yet appeared a special body authorized by the state to manage this segment of the economy. This stage of development of banking have been many countries. In the second form we have to do when the country has only one banking organization with an extensive, covering the whole country a network of branches.
The first form is represented by a number independent of each other lending institutions, each of which was entitled to perform any of the time taken in bank operations, including the issue of cash. In addition, no stable relationship between credit institutions and their interaction is specifically coordinated by nobody. Of course, they were guided by the laws applicable in the country, but has not yet appeared a special body authorized by the state to manage this segment of the economy. This stage of development of banking have been many countries. In the second form we have to do when the country has only one banking organization with an extensive, covering the whole country a network of branches.
The second form has developed in the USSR and in some countries that were part of the socialist camp. This is the State Bank of the USSR and the state-owned banks in these countries and their affiliates. As in the first form, banking, and in this case has a single-tier organization.
The third form - is a set of banking institutions, which splits into two numerically unequal parts: on one side of the Central Bank and other authorities and government of the banking system, on the other - the other credit institutions, banking infrastructure, the banking market.
A specific feature of this form is that at least one element of this set - Central Bank - is authorized by the state to manage the entire set of credit institutions, which act on the same order against him and the functioning of which is attached to coordinated.
These features suggest that the combination of banking institutions, and there are signs of a two-tier form of construction. If these items carefully consider the Russian banking system, then it found two types of communication. First, the relationship between elements of the same order of the banking system. Secondly, the relationship between the Bank of Russia and the rest of the banking system.
In the first case, the link provides the coordination of relations between these elements of the system, and in the second case - grows into a relationship of subordination, which are mainly and ensure system integrity.
Indeed, analysis of the Bank of Russia for the carrying out of the main objectives of the Act, the tasks and functions, shows that the Central Bank of Russia is the element of the banking system, which directly carries out the state management. In this case, are used mainly methods of state regulation, economic management methods, which, as already noted, are designed to create favorable economic, legal and organizational conditions for the functioning of credit institutions. However, in the management of the Bank of Russia and the extensive use of administrative means of banking regulation.
From this it follows that the credit and banking system of Russia after 1917 after the creation of a special banking legislation and the formation of the Central Bank of the country regained its two-level construction. The criterion for inclusion of elements to one or another level is their position in the system due to the relationship of subordination. Thus, the Bank of Russia located on the upper level, as mandated by the state to regulate the system as a whole, ie, a facility management.
As for commercial banks and other elements of the banking system, they are in the same order for to be completely equal in the relationship with each other and a lower level of the system. The special position in this system take unions association of credit institutions. Being, as noted, an important component of the mechanism of self-management of the banking system, they are, in our opinion, should be placed on the upper level of the system, although not ryadopolozheny Bank of Russia, because they do not endowed with authority. For example, the decision of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) for the Russian banking system are not binding.
Thus, the entire set of elements of the Russian banking system has two levels of construction:
the upper level - the Bank of Russia, unions and associations of credit institutions;
lower level - all the other elements of the banking system: commercial banks, non-bank credit institutions, banking infrastructure, the banking market.
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