Operating in the Russian banking system, commercial banks may be classified for various reasons: according to the method of formation and size of the share capital, by type of transactions, the volume of banking operations in the territory served by the bank, etc.
According to the method of forming the authorized capital stock and mutual different commercial banks. Equity Bank is created as a joint stock company. Its authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares and member-owned joint-stock company (including 1st. 96, Art. 98, 99 of the Civil Code). Mutual Bank is created in the form of a limited liability company. It is based on UNIT capital, which is formed by the founders of the bank's shares (Art. 87, 90 of the Civil Code).
According to the method of forming the authorized capital stock and mutual different commercial banks. Equity Bank is created as a joint stock company. Its authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares and member-owned joint-stock company (including 1st. 96, Art. 98, 99 of the Civil Code). Mutual Bank is created in the form of a limited liability company. It is based on UNIT capital, which is formed by the founders of the bank's shares (Art. 87, 90 of the Civil Code).
By kinds of transactions, commercial banks are divided into generic and specialized. Universal banks - those commercial banks which are licensed by the Bank of Russia to commit all, or at least a wide range of banking operations and transactions referred to in Art. 5 of the Law "On Banks and Banking." Specialized banks are entitled to or actually carried out for the most limited form of banking operations and services, such as investment, mortgages, savings, etc.
Mortgage banks finance clients when the latter needed a loan to purchase real estate. Mortgage banks are designed to make transactions relating to the key enterprises of land, buildings, apartments and other types of real property (§ 2cT. 334 Civil Code). The magnitude of capital, the volume of transactions and services, commercial banks of Russia can be divided into large, medium and small. In the last decade in Russia, increasing the concentration of capital of credit institutions.
In the territory served by the bank in fact, different banks are serving a certain area of the country, and banks, which operate throughout the Russian Federation.
Separate species of commercial banks that have emerged in recent years, banks are municipal. Their peculiarity consists, first, that they are created at the initiative of public authorities of RF subjects and local self-government, and secondly, that for the formation of capital banks use available cash and other property under the jurisdiction of these authorities (see Part 7st. Federal Law 2dekabrya 1990goda "On Banks and Banking" (in the red. from 03/02/96).) and local government, and thirdly, municipal banks are designed to serve the financial interests of the municipalities on the initiative of which they are created.
Recently, a significant spread in the Russian banking system was authorized by the bank institution. Under the authorized banks are those lenders that are on contract basis have received special permission from the state agencies or local governments to implement on a permanent or temporary basis, certain financial and credit transactions on behalf of the authority or authorities.
Based on practices in this area and taking into account the levels of executive power, authorized banks could be divided into four groups:
authorized banks of the Russian Government (federal executive power);
authorized banks Russian ministries and departments (functional level of the executive branch);
Government entities authorized banks of the Russian Federation (regional level executive);
authorized banks of bodies of local self-government.
The system of authorized banks found a practical implementation, yet received a theoretical basis in the Moscow region. The government asked Moscow in late 1992 to commercial banks with a call to take part in the effective management of the city budget. As part of the formed system of authorized banks, including 20 commercial banks and Bank of Moscow city, actively used budget funds allocated. Bank accounts which are kept current budgetary surpluses, pay interest on it in accordance with prevailing in the economy of interest rates. An important activity of the authorized banks of the Moscow Government is funding the development of local programs. Significant funds have been allocated by the authorized banks to finance the activities of educational institutions, hospitals, boarding schools, orphanages, rehabilitation of monuments of material and spiritual culture.
Legal form, which enshrines the status of authorized banks, is a bilateral contract between the bank and the relevant executive authority.
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