Currently identified seven categories of posts, including more than 70 types. Model of communication is a numbered set of mandatory and optional gtoley. Required fields contain the information needed to properly handle the transaction. Additional information is placed in the option codes. When working around the clock 20% of transactions SWIFT performs without the intervention of operators. In case of bad information in SWIFT, which does not correspond to the categories established by the groups and types of messages can be used an expert system, which reports the identification, ~ ARTRANS (Telex Reader). * It extracts information from unstructured messages in natural language relating to transfers of funds between banks and customers, acting on a type of demons.
The system can translate documents from one form to another, to recalculate the price. It consists of a cleaner posts (detection of inaccuracies and misprints), text analyzer (core) shell messages (checking account numbers, addresses, selection of a form of payment) and the content of the transaction in formalizatora SWIFT.
Messages are encoded in coordination with the developed model for the different types. Received by the Operations Center Post validated the document format, date and address of the sender and receiver, as well as the status of the device - the source of the message. In the encrypted messages are sent to the regional processor of the country, where the receiving bank, and then - in the receiving bank. Shelf-life protocols for 14 days.
To enter in SWIFT-2 is used Computer Bank Terminal (CBT), which provided international telephone lines, cryptographic equipment (K) ENCRIPTOR (STEN) and modem (M) (recommended MOTOROLLA-CODEX). By telephone lines information comes to the point of access to SWIFT - SWIFT Access Point (SAP) or in the regional administration-Regional ADministration (RAD). * SAP is a self-centered zaekrani computer room, equipped in harmony with the requirements of SWIFT. He provided such as cryptographic equipment and modem equipment, as well as a user. Such a way, SWIFT began to bear responsibility only after receipt of information from the modem is installed in the SAP (RAD) for the equipment, legally owned by SWIFT.
The entire system is managed by SWIFT one of four computers installed in the Netherlands (two) and in the U.S. (two). the other three machines are used in "hot" standby. Russia has four channels (two in Germany and two in Belgium), but rather one. The remaining three are also in the "hot" standby. Currently, the system translates into a modernized scheme SWIfT-2, equipped with a spice-processors, which consist of problem-focused and-independent modules that provide data transmission rate 9600. Data Retention increases to four months. At the same time for SWIFT-2 supports the X.400 protocol, which provides for the implementation of the Protocol X.25.
Plans to create inter-bank transfer system files (Interbank File Transfer), which will provide a platform that supports the standard EF1. We formulate the basic needs of banks to interface with SWIFT:
• multisystem communications server;
• ease of integration and expansion of the system;
• full compliance with the latest standards SWIFT;
• independence from the hardware. To clarify the situation on the market should be made of his three main trends.
First, banks are willing to continually reduce costs and improve their own work. One way to merit this goal - unification of systems in the regional nodes. For example, banks with branches in their own ST-200, replacing them with a single interface to the central office. " (This is especially effective for Russian banks with a small number of foreign currency payments. They can organize a group connected to SWIFT.)
Secondly, the orientation of the banks to open computer system running the operating system UNIX, which allows, of course, merge into a single computing systems equipment from different manufacturers. This eliminates the dependence on one vendor and allows you to keep track of all the innovations of the computer world in order to ensure the competitiveness of its own computer system.
The third area - the integration of different office software and computer systems. Time of data transmission between computers on magnetic tapes and floppy disks is long gone. Now the data transmitted in real time, which allows each computer included in the process, become part of a unified system. As seen from the above pronounced, the need for a painless consolidate existing banking system and the interface with the SWIFT network is the most fundamental argument of choice.
More and more users are developing distributed systems based on local area computer networks such as Ethernet and TokenRing. For these purposes, the only completely open system interface is a TIP / SWIFT, developed by Telematic Information System (AG) (Switzerland).
Many banks worldwide have announced the transition to UNIX. Moreover, the main discrepancy is the docking of modern banking software based on relational database systems, interbank settlements.
The program NIERVA/370, developed by the German branch of IBM in Frankfurt, is based on computers 1VM/370 and is designed primarily for banks, which traditionally focused on products for IBM and do not rush to replace equipment 70s. MERVA / 2, designed for the operating system OS / 2 was required to become an alternative, with an emphasis on equipment ST-200, iegGolzuemoe as a communications processor for large computers. But this project has not been deployed because of the reluctance of bank partners IBM program to break their contracts with the company SWIFT Terminal Service (STS). A new third version of MERVA / 2 was announced for sale from the end of November 1993 It is a universal interbank telecommunications system, which carries not only the interface with a network of SWIFT, but inventory is to prepare and process messages, and provides links to banks does not consist of SWIFT, telex via the network. MERVA has a fairly high ceiling messages - more than 1,200 per hour, good user interface and flexible internal architecture. * It simply reconfigure the specific needs of the user. With MERVA / 2 the bank is able to connect to SWIFT branches, located in at least some part of the world, for example, through the head office, with the physical connection to SWIFT rather have a parent bank. If necessary, MERVA / 2 can be connected to a banking system based on computer AS/400, RS/6000 (there are common interfaces), or even any other. The system includes an application programming interface that allows you to combine MERVA / 2 with a random banking system. One of the newest features is support for the standard package USE (User Security Enhancement) (1994). Specifically on the system MERVA / 2 in early September 1993. Held its first sessions with the introduction of a standard USE, which supports automatic key exchange between banks and restricts access to the system using the cards. Also of note is the possibility of the introduction of clearing with a component that provides support for the system PREMIUM, developed by SWIFT. In a world of complex MERVA installed in more than 15% of banks - members of SWIFT, but the share of the interfaces.
MERVA accounts for about 50% of the messages passing through a network of SWIFT. As a hardware base used a single computer IBM PS / 2 or LAN Ethernet or TokenRing with computers PS / 2.
The system of interaction with SWIFT - SAFE company WANG, successfully marketed in Latin America and Asia, is becoming less funding for their development because of internal zamorochek.
The company provides Manof noteworthy system to communicate with SWIFT, focused on large computers IBM: MBS on the IBM Series / 1 and a new product MINT, designed for IBM Stratus or S/88.
The company is developing a package Logica Fastwire computer company Digital, and its affiliate, Data Architects - Bess package for computer company Tandem, a rather exotic, especially for the Russian market. Both interfaces use a common software core.
System TIP / SWIFT, developed by Telematic Information Systems from Switzerland, allows you to build an interface between the bank programs that are running the operating system UNIX, the LAN Ethernet or TokenRing. TIP / SWIFT is designed for UNIX-based machines, such companies, KaKHewlett-Packard-HP9000/800, 1VM-RS6000, SUN-Sparc, Motorola 3000 Series and 8000, Siemens-Nixdorf-MHZOO.
First you SWIFT system focused only on working with the telegraph and telephone lines. Program Management telex communications, which now remains the most important type of communication interfaces built into SWIFT. Currently, work is underway to connect the fax. In 1980 the company was founded STS (SWIFT Terminal Service), which developed the software and hardware complexes of several levels.
The terminal complex of ST-200 provides only transmit and receive messages. The complex is recommended for small banks (10 per day), includes two cars and a streamer UNISYS (in Moscow, the equipment supplied by YUNIMAS). Currently, ST-200, although it has been improved, the ability of the computer ran out of UNISYS B-series.
ST-400 is recommended for large banks and gives the opportunity to work in a telex to the SWIFT network. It allows you to connect your software development (for example, MERVA IBM), included in the local or national networks (CHIPS - United States; FEDWARE - United States; SIC - Switzerland; SAGiTTAIRE - France; CHAPS - UK, etc). ST-4RO can work on all models of computer families VAX II. It provides automatic reception of messages and their transmission, mailing address information, reporting and performance auditing. The level of data integrity in the ST-400 is expressed in the limit of allowable losses, which amounts to 4% (ST-200 it is equal to 24%). The complex ST-400 allows you to build a system that contains the shell, the generator of documents and electronic mail (X.400).
Shell sees to it that operations were carried out according to the instructions entered.
Document Generator allows you to use converters documents to bring them to normal.
A more conventional system - based on the ST-500, where as the control center can be used by large computers such as IBM-370. development of such requests the huge cost (2-3 times higher than with other options) to the service and telecommunications. The extensive development based on ST-500 with a variety of devices to convert the form of documents, also relies on centralized processing on the basis of computers, IBM and UNISYS, as well as data transmission method of communication channels. ST-500 away from the market due to the removal in 1994, Computer IBM Series / I with the production and maintenance. Another company, also created under SWIFT, - SSP (SWIFT Service Partner) provides a service to perform the calculations in the ECU (European Currency Units). besides the main association dedicated to banking risk assessment systems SHARP, along with the SSP delivers the STREAM system to control the risks associated with international trade. In Switzerland (Union Bank ofSwizerland) system is used JSPOT-TOPAS - financial calculation module for the system SWIFT. In 1993, SWIFT announced the launch of a new family of financial interfaces, called SWIFTAIIiance. The product provides users to ease ST-200, scalable dependence of ST-400 and the traffic capacity of ST-500. Compliance with standards SWIFTAIIiance open systems makes it possible to facilitate the integration of financial applications in a network of SWIFT, in other national and private financial network.
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